Text Box: March 2007
Text Box: Commodore’s Report - Ray Dillon
Text Box:    The saying goes, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  However, for me, March 
signifies that 
springtime is around the corner and that means sailing 
   Thank you to those who attended the cruising club 
planning meeting, thanks George, you know how to put
together a great party.  I heard the food was great, our loss that we could not stay for dinner; Text Box: the wine tasting, new members Bill and Joyce sure made an impression with the outstanding veggie, meat and cheese tray; and the general 
membership meeting, Brad, you sure are a great rear-commodore.        
   Your board has been hard at work, be sure to read the At the last board meeting section to see what is 
Remember, board meetings are open, feel free to join us at a future board meeting.
Text Box: At the last board meeting...
Text Box:   The GRSC board meeting was held on Tuesday, March 13th.  Jim Wade stepped down as Vice Commodore due to work issues.  The board will nominate a replacement at the April Text Box: board meeting.  
Anyone wishing to take Jim’s place, please contact me.  The race schedule was discussed and will be finalized for the April 21st lottery meeting.
   Due to the 
Text Box: circumstances with the Vice Commodore this year, the board is 
looking to the membership for ideas on how to enhance/improve the race schedule for 2007.  Please e-mail your ideas to 
Text Box: rjdill61@sbcglobal.net.  There are no bad ideas, some just more workable than others.
Text Box: If you have sailing tips, news, or gossip, please forward it to Ray Dillon at rjdill61@sbcglobal.net to be included in the next newsletter. Our GRSC 
newsletter is only as good as the information provided by members.  Thank you for making our newsletter fun to read.
Text Box: Wine Tasters from GRSC!!!